Shani “Nani” Bernard is just a girl who loves the fact that everyone has the right to creative expression. She comes from a performing arts family and was raised with art and music all around her. She has always had a deep love for children and began babysitting and being a nanny from very young age. The two combined to create what you see now. She graduated with her degree in Theater Arts and uses all her skills to build sets, sew costumes, draw cartoons, film etc. – almost everything you see. She wants to encourage kids to find their own unique voice, use it and never lose it.
About The Author
Day of The Dead - Special Edition (Volume 3)
Nani Nani Kids: World Artist Coloring Book and Activities
It’s here! Day of the Dead Coloring Book! Like everything we do here this coloring book has a multicultural spin on it. We want to explore diversity, inclusion, art and shared culture.
Nani Nani Kids: World Artist Coloring Book and Activities (Volume 1)
Artists from around the globe came together to be a part of a children’s coloring book exploring diversity, culture and art. Each new book will take us deeper into that exploration. Come along for the adventure.
Nani Nani Kids: World Artist Coloring Book and Activities: Adult Coloring Book (Volume 2)
Coloring Books for Grown-Ups – Artists from around the globe came together to be a part of a coloring book for grown ups, exploring diversity, culture and art. Color with your kids. Each new book will take us deeper into that exploration. Come along for the adventure.
ROO’S TOOTS: The Stinkiest Boy in the World
A story about a boy who thinks his tooting is funny and won’t stop tooting in front of strangers, friends and family. He pays a funny price until he learns his lesson. A cheeky and fun book for kids.